Effective records management is key to Georgia Tech's operations and vital for compliance, transparency, and accountability. Records retention, in particular, is a critical aspect of managing the wealth of information generated at the Institute.

For assistance with records retention and destruction, please consult the Georgia Tech Library’s Records Management services. This team specializes in effective record management, ensuring compliance with the University System of Georgia (USG) Records Retention Schedules. If legal assistance is needed on records retention and destruction matters, the Records Management Team may contact Legal Affairs. 

Sources Provided:

  • Guidance: The Georgia Tech Library's Records Management team offers expert guidance on records retention policies, procedures, and best practices to help you manage your records effectively.
  • Training: Records Management provides training and resources to ensure that Georgia Tech personnel are informed and capable of fulfilling their records management responsibilities.
  • Records Schedules: The USG Records Retention Schedules provide detailed guidelines on the retention period for various types of records, helping to ensure legal compliance.
  • Disposal Procedures: Learn the secure and proper procedures for disposal of records that have reached the end of their retention period. Records Management can provide guidance on secure and responsible disposal methods.

For detailed information on records retention and schedules, please visit the Georgia Tech Library's Records Management website and the USG Records Retention Schedules website.

Litigation and Records Management

Effective records retention is integral to litigation processes at Georgia Tech. Properly managed records ensure readiness for potential legal actions and support our commitment to legal compliance and institutional integrity. We encourage utilizing these resources to maintain organized and legally compliant records, essential in the event of litigation.


USG Records Management Policies: https://www.usg.edu/records_management/guidelines/ 

USG Records Retention Schedule: https://www.usg.edu/records_management/schedules/ 

Georgia Tech Library’s Record Management: https://library.gatech.edu/records-management 

Georgia Tech Library’s Records Request: https://library.gatech.edu/records-management/records-request 

Georgia Tech Library’s Records Retention Decision Tree